Surprised by Overwhelming Quality
I see a lot of homes. Lately, most of my clients have been looking for their first home. It’s often like looking for the ‘needle in the haystack’ as their expectations are quite high and the budget is quite low. Many of the homes we see are in pretty bad shape, but eventually we find one that is the perfect mix of location, price, and condition to fit their needs. So, after a few weeks of starter homes, I was blown away yesterday by surprise in Sylvan Park.
I was helping a friend named Chris Barber who is an incredible custom woodworker. He takes wood and turns it into art that is also a usable piece of furniture or woodwork for your home. He had made a large wine rack for a client and asked me to help him lift in into this client’s loft.
It was early in the morning and I was just helping a friend so I wasn't expecting what we would find in this tiny home that looked like a detached garage behind a Sylvan Park Victorian. I was completely caught off guard as we stepped inside.Most home I see, it seems, are at varying levels of 'livable', with some described as 'fully renovated'. Even then, not many homes fall into the department of custom designed showplace. That was the case here.
What shocked me was the level of custom details throughout the place. Everything was tailored and hand-selected to make the home feel like a lodge that was nowhere near Nashville.The work was the highest quality and well done. They had completely gutted the home, raising all the ceilings leaving some beams exposed and built a gorgeous stone fireplace as the centerpiece of the living space.
You could tell that that the home was designed to someone's particular taste, which is what made it so great. It wasn't bland and vanilla, nor was it over-the-top. It was just right.The kitchen was no less amazing. Chris had custom-built all the cabinets, which feature reclaimed pine to match the mantle that he built. Professional grade appliances mixed with neon whiskey signs and a 6-foot wood carved grizzly completed the décor.
I'm not sure what affects me when I see homes like this. It happens to me every once in a while, but I never really see it coming. I think it's related to the artistic aspect of the home. When someone has a true eye for design and the money to make it happen, it is a wonderful thing.It was a space that I didn’t want to leave. Again, I’m reminded of how we are affected by the environment we live in. I left inspired to work on my own home, but it will never feel like a lodge in the Rockies…
Check out Chris Barber’s awesome woodworking skills here.
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